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Space is big! Science is cool! Let’s talk about it.


Stars are kind of like people. They are born, live their entire lives, and then die. Except, that’s an oversimplification. Stars are giants. But they’re also giant chemical reactions.

Just like a fire, though, stars will eventually burn through their fuel supply. The difference is that when a fire exhausts its fuel, it doesn’t blow up into something multiple of its original size, nor does it collapse back on itself to form super-dense matter.

When a star “burns out,” many things can happen. But the main one is that the forces that balance out this giant object fall into an imbalance. Here’s how NASA explains it:

“Massive stars burn huge amounts of nuclear fuel at their cores or centers. This produces tons of energy, so the center gets very hot. Heat generates pressure, and the pressure created by a star’s nuclear burning also keeps that star from collapsing.

A star is in the balance between two opposite forces. The star’s gravity tries to squeeze the lead into the smallest, tightest ball possible. But the nuclear fuel burning in the star’s core creates strong outward pressure. This outward push resists the inward squeeze of gravity.

When a massive star runs out of fuel, it cools off. This causes the pressure to drop. Gravity wins out, and the star suddenly collapses. Imagine something one million times the mass of Earth collapsing in 15 seconds! The collapse happens so quickly that it creates enormous shock waves that cause the outer part of the star to explode!”

That resulting explosion is a supernova.

This composite image was assembled from 24 individual exposures taken with the NASA Hubble Space TelescopeÕs Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 in October 1999, January 2000, and December 2000. It is one of the largest images taken by Hubble and is the highest-resolution image ever made of the entire Crab Nebula.

All that energy exploding out does a few things. It scatters the fundamental building blocks of the universe that form the core of most stars: hydrogen, helium, and carbon. The resulting cloud of debris forms a nebula.

Thus, a supernova is a part of the circle of divine life. 

But, that compression from the collapse of a star also causes the core to become super dense. The resulting star core is called a white dwarf. Typically the size of Earth, a white dwarf has the same mass as a star in a much smaller package, making it incredibly dense. It does not give off light thanks to fusion, like most stars. Instead, it gives off thermal radiation that can be visible to scientists.

If the star is big enough, this super-dense core can become a black hole. Which is an entirely different post for another time.


Yes and no. With billions of stars across countless galaxies in our universe, there is a high probability of a star going supernova somewhere. It’s just a question of whether we can see it.

They are some of the brightest objects humans have ever observed in the night sky and are often seen in other galaxies. But supernovas are difficult to see in our own Milky Way galaxy because dust blocks our view. In 1604, Johannes Kepler discovered the last observed supernova in the Milky Way. NASA’s Chandra telescope discovered the remains of a more recent supernova. It exploded in the Milky Way more than a hundred years ago.

One of the most famous supernovae to be observed by humans was the formation of the Crab Nebula. In 1054, Chinese astronomers observed an explosion in the sky. This supernova, dubbed SN 1054, was visible for two years before fading into what we now know as the Crab Nebula.

Other cultures in Asia recorded the fantastic night explosion, but it was hundreds of years later before the work of pioneering scientists like Edwin Hubble linked the early Chinese texts to the astronomical event they observed.

In all, eight supernovae in the Milky Way have been identified thanks to written testimony through the years.

This NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory image shows glowing material in the Cassiopeia A supernova remnant. The explosions of giant stars seed the cosmos with new chemical elements, providing the raw materials for future stars and planets.


Supernova explosions are dramatic, but the leftovers are just as interesting from a scientific point of view. These supernova remnants — including the Crab Nebula — contain information about the original system that exploded. They are also hotbeds of activity, containing powerful magnetic fields and hot plasma that can create shock waves in the surrounding material. As a result, supernova remnants are extremely important for understanding the life cycle of stars and physical processes in extreme environments.

With Type Ia supernovas, the exploding stars are completely destroyed. In the case of core-collapse supernovas, however, the remnant also harbors the neutron star or black hole created from the core of the dead star. For example, the Crab Nebula harbors a pulsar, a spinning neutron star that interacts with materials in the supernova remnant. In particular, it creates a disk of hot matter around it and a powerful jet shooting away, which heats up matter around it.


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